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Pregnancy care during winter


Pregnancy is one of the most special stages in any woman's life. As such, it requires some care that we cannot overlook.
With the winter comming and low temperatures, it is necessary to pay attention to certain aspects during pregnancy, in order to make this period of our lives happier and more peaceful.
  Because of that, we decided to select some cautions that all future moms should have during the cold season to make them feel good and happy.
 Just like they say, “happy mother, happy baby”.


*Photo by Nadine Shaabana on Unsplash


Skin care

One of the main aspects to keep in mind during winter is skin care.
With the cold weather, our skin tends to get dry,needing hydration, and in case of pregnancy, this step should be followed religiously.
Most people are unaware of the importance of using sunscreen, even in the winter, when the sun is not shinning. It will prevent spots from showing and will also help to keep the skin beautiful and fresh.
 Moisturizing is a very important step too.  It will prevent the skin from drying, peeling, and obviously, it also prevents stretch marks.


Food and hydration

In the winter, it’s easier to catch colds and feel sick. A healthy, balanced and vitamin-rich diet is essential for a happy and healthy pregnancy. Fruits, vegetables and foods rich in vitamin C should be part of your daily diet. 
Although fluid retention is lower in winter, avoid salty foods, because it makes our bodies retain more fluids.

During winter it is natural not to feel as thirsty as in summer, however, water is essential to maintain your body hydrated and is also an important tool for your baby deveploment. 


This topic is often overlooked, because during the winter we are less motivated to leave the house. Sitting on the couch under the blankets is naturally a much better thing do to then working out.
However, It is important to counteract laziness and introduce some exercises into our routine. It will be helpful to strengthen the muscles, and will also prepare the body for the labour.


These are some of the tips we considered important to give you, however, we recommend that all moms out there should ask their doctor about the best habits to practice.
Take some time for yourself, remember that taking care of you and your body will make you feel better and happier.


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